Monday, January 2, 2012

Truth Is...

My Lady K likes to update her facebook status with the phrase "Truth is... Like" then her friends will "like" her status and she will write one "truth" about them on their wall.  It seems to be a popular thing to do with the kids her age (man is it me or did I just sound really old there?) and "truth is..." I can't stand it!  In my opinion (because let's be honest, it's the only one that matters, right?!?) I think it's a stupid game!  Mostly because I really don't feel these gals are being very truthful... I think they're being nice, which is good, but not honest!  So let's get honest... if I were to 'like' my own 'Truth Is' status here is what I would say to myself...

Truth Is... You've become lazy!  You may have a gym membership but when was the last time you actually had an awesome, kick-ass, workout?  You're slowly slipping back to the the fat chick in the picture to the right.

Truth Is... Your jeans didn't shrink over the summer... your rear end just got bigger!  Over the past few months you've eaten enough to feed a small army!  Your excuses are getting old... Yes, I know it hurts... Yes, I know it's uncomfortable... Yes, I know it's cold... Yes, I know you didn't sleep well last night.  Yes, I know you'll start tomorrow, after all you said that yesterday... Yes, I know you worked late and are tired and it's just easier to throw a frozen pizza in than cook a real meal!  I KNOW! 

Truth Is... It's time!  Time to start... I mean really start taking care of you!  You owe it to yourself, you owe it to your husband, you owe it to your kids!

Truth Is... It's now or never!

What is your Truth?

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