Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Long Forgotten Jeans

Today before getting ready for work I thought I'd head to the deep, dark, forgotten area of my closet where I shove all my "must have shrunk over the summer/winter" clothes.. Because let's face it, every woman knows that there is an evil little monster that lives in our closets who's job it is to shrink all of our out of season clothes!  HA... right, if only!

Anyway, I rummaged through the dusty clothes and found 6, yes you heard right, SIX pairs of jeans that have been long forgotten because, well quite frankly, my fat ass didn't fit in them anymore!  So, hoping for the best but preparing myself for the worst, I slipped into the first pair.  Can you believe that those jeans slid right up my legs and up over my rear end with no protest, and even better yet, they buttoned without any problems!  I didn't even have to lay down on the bed and suck my belly button to my back, or do lunges and squats so my thunder thighs could fit into the legs, or nothin'! They went up and on... Just like that! 

Happy with the results of my first try I thought maybe I'd have the same luck with the second pair... Wouldn't you know it was the same thing!  Pair after pair I tried and pair after pair fit!  Some slightly tighter than others but still... They. Fit! 

It's funny how those jeans hung there forgotten because I was in the mind set that I'd never wear any of them ever again, but for whatever reason I just couldn't bring myself to get rid of them!  I guess I always hoped that maybe someday I'd magically slim down and could fit into them again!  The problem with that is that no one ever magically slims down!  This is the hardest I've ever worked for weight loss in my life!  Maybe that has to do with the fact that I'm in the, shhhh... over thirty club!  But whatever the reason, I'm glad that I didn't get rid of my "skinny" jeans because it's helping me see that although the scale might not always show me the numbers I want to see my body is indeed changing!  I can't wait for the day when I can put a pair of those jeans on and say, "These are way too big... Let's go shopping!"

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