Thursday, January 17, 2013

Three Things Thursday...

1.  Yesterday I had the day off from work, but still got my rear end out of bed early to get to the gym with Trainer Jeremy.  I decided to utilize my day off time wisely by going grocery shopping. I hate grocery shopping... like HATE it!  I think I hate it so much because I split my shopping up between two different stores, Aldi & Walmart. My little town has a Walmart but doesn't have an Aldi so that leaves me no other option than to drive to the next town over about 20 minutes away... Boo hoo, poor me... I know!  The only good thing about having to drive to the next town to get my groceries on my day off is that I got to have lunch with Jeremy.  Don't worry, we stayed healthy and got Subway!  Also, my shopping was made a lot easier due to the fact that I'm trying to manage my time better by planning meals so I actually had a complete list!  I saved my Walmart trip for after dinner in hopes that Jeremy would be able to come with me but he ended up staying home.  Which brings me to my next topic...

2.  My washer died... Done... Kaput.... End of Story.  When I got home from Walmart it was already sitting in my garage.  I guess it's time was coming, we've had it as long as we've been married... over 12 years.  It was a good little washer... She lived a good life!  So Jeremy took a day off today to head out and get our new washer and dryer.

3.  I'm tired... really tired... today.  I went to bed a a decent time last night, but boy am I really feeling the effects of the hard work I'm putting in at the gym.  This morning I had a hard time during our workout, but I still pushed past the tired and the hurt for a kick ass workout.  Speaking of hurt, I don't believe there is a muscle in my body that isn't on fire!  I keep telling myself that it's a good hurt but every time I sneeze my abs tell me otherwise!  I sent Trainer Jeremy a love text that said this, "I hate you... It all hurts!"  Do you want to know what I got back as a response?  " :) "  Yep... a smiley face!  Whatever... It's paying off so far so I guess I shouldn't complain... Right?!?

1 comment:

fancy nancy said...

Oh yes...embrace the hurt!!! I love it when my abs are killing shows I didn't phone it in!!