Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday

This morning I woke up in a really, and I mean really, bad mood!  I stepped onto the elliptical and my shoe was sticky because I must have stepped in something and it was making this annoying sound and for some reason that sorta threw me over the edge... Poor Trainer Jeremy didn't know what hit him when out of the blue I looked at him threatened to take my shoe off and throw it through the effing wall!  Luckily, he's used to my temper tantrums moods and quickly checked me and all was well!

After an ass kicking by him and a round two work out with a friend who does a boot camp at the gym I'm feeling much better... Plus my shoe is no longer sticky so that makes me happy too, because after all, my happiness is what we all strive for, right? Yes?  No?  Ok, maybe not!

Now onto the good part... my weight loss!  This week I am down another...

2 lbs

Did you see my little ticker on the side over there?!?  I'm down a total of 9 pounds... HOLLA!  Last night I was telling Trainer Jeremy that for the first time, ever, I feel like I can really do this!  I feel like I can really reach this goal... and it feels GREAT!  In all honesty though I don't think I could do it without the help he's given me!  He's taught me so much about myself and I don't think he even knows it!  Anyway, enough mushy crap... How is everyone else doing?  January is gone and February is here!  Are we all still keeping with our goals or have we fallen off the "resolution" wagon?

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