Saturday, June 11, 2011

Inspiring Thoughts from my Favorite Blonde...

Not this one...

This one...

That's right... a quote from Miss Elle Woods herself.  It goes something like this...

"Exercise gives you endorphins. 
Endorphins make you happy.
Happy people don't shoot their husbands.
They just don't."

Or their kids for that matter.  So, tonight as Lady 'K' and Little 'K' were at each other's throats I thought of this quote.  And thinking I needed an extra large dose of endorphins I did what any good mother would do in a situation like this *the situation being keeping my children alive and me out of a lifetime in the slammer* I put them in front of the tv and told them I needed a mile...  Just a mile. 

One time around our neighborhood. 

One mile without Lady 'K' yelling, "GET YOUR OWN POPCORN."  and Little 'K' yelling back, "I DON'T HAVE TO."  And then both of them yelling, "MOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM."

One mile of quiet... just the sound of my feet hitting the pavement.

So, standing in front of my two K's I made sure they understood that if they even so much as moved from the spot I set them in while I was taking my mile that things would not be good.

And off I went...

It was a quick mile because I didn't know how long the K's would last without waking up their sleeping father *Note: he sleeps during this time because he works 3rd shift* to let him know that Mommy took off and might never come back.  Although that thought crossed my mind I knew I needed to hurry home.

Thankfully, I came home feeling a whole lot better and my K's were actually laughing together as if they really loved each other.  Maybe I passed some of those endorphins on to them... or maybe they thought mom finally lost her marbles and were making fun of me.  Whatever the case... they're happy... I'm happy... and tomorrow Daddy is off work so Mommy can get a nice long run in. 

Ah... there... don't you feel better now?  I know I do.

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